1. The total digestible nutrients in the feed during the lactation period are high and should contain enough crude fiber. The feed preferably includes seed or animal fats with high oil content such as cottonseeds, soybeans and the like. During this period, the nutritional level of the dairy cow diet should be 2.4 NND per kg of dry matter. Crude protein accounted for 16% to 18% of dietary dry matter, 0.7% for calcium, and 0.45% for phosphorus. The crude-to-crude ratio was controlled at 50-46:50 to 54 as much as possible. In order to avoid a drop in butterfat ratio, crude fiber should not be less than 17% (accounting for dry matter in the diet). According to the American NRC feeding standards, the crude protein content in the early stage of lactation can be increased to 19%. At the same time, the ratio of rumen protein should be increased, and protein feeds or additives with high levels of methionine, lysine and threonine should be fed. The milk cow feed consisting of 600 kg of body weight and 40 kg of milk per day consists of 12 kg of concentrate, 25 kg of silage, 4 kg of hay and 5 kg of juicy feed.
It has been determined that high-yielding dairy cows eat enough feed, and they have to eat at least 8 hours per day. At present, in the case of milking three times a day, the intake time of dairy cows is generally not enough, and the milking period of dairy cows should extend the feeding time and increase the number of feedings.
2. During the mid-lactating period, the milk production of cows began to decline gradually, and the decline ranged from 6% to 8%. At the same time, after the pregnancy of the cow, the nutritional needs of the cow have been reduced. This feature should be seized so that it can eat more hay and supplement the concentrate properly so that the milk production and fat percentage can be maintained at a relatively high level. The lactose ratio of the mid lactation diet can be controlled at 40-45:55-60.
3. During the late lactation period, the milk production of cows has dropped significantly. At this time, it is easier to raise the cows. This stage should be used to intensify the recovery of dairy cows. There is still potential for milk production during this period, so cows cannot be overgrown.
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