Hepatitis B drug tenofovir alafenamide was approved for domestic market

Hepatitis B drug tenofovir alafenamide was approved for domestic market

November 27, 2018 Source: Health Times

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Recently, the antiviral drug tenofovir alafenamide (TAF, Chinese name: Weilide) developed by American pharmaceutical giant Gilead has been approved for domestic use in patients with chronic hepatitis B. treatment.

China is a big country of hepatitis B. According to the "2016 Global Hepatitis B Infection Rate and Prevention Report" released by The Lancet, there are currently 86 million people infected with hepatitis B virus in China. In these patients, 32 million people need immediate antiviral treatment.

Weilide is the only hepatitis B drug approved globally in the past 10 years. In the 2017 Hepatitis B Management Guide issued by the European Society for the Study of the Liver (EASL), TAF is recommended as a first-line drug for patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Previously preferred drug tenofovir (TDF), which has relied on superior antiviral effect and low drug resistance, is called "medicine", but most patients with hepatitis B need to take medication all the time, in the case of long-term use. May cause damage to kidneys and bone density.

Yan Jie, chief physician of the Liver Disease Center of Beijing Ditan Hospital, said that compared with the previous replacement of norfovir (TDF), Weilide only needs one-tenth (25mg/300mg) of the dose, which can be achieved with Tino. The same antiviral effect of foswell.

In addition, compared with tenofovir, it can effectively improve the bone safety factor, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and have less harm to the kidneys. In other words, the safety and efficacy of long-term medication are the best among all current hepatitis B treatments.

According to the 96-week efficacy and safety results of the three-phase study of the Velier, Weilide has no possibility of drug-resistant mutations while maintaining a high rate of viral suppression.

Yan Jie reminded that Wei Lide still lacks clinical trial data in pregnant women, and pregnant women should be used with caution.


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