The jujube tree interplanting strawberry has high efficiency

In recent years, the Forest and Fruit Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences has conducted experiments on the intercropping of jujube and strawberry in Mapo Town, Shunyi District, and has achieved success.

Jujube has strong anti-reversing ability, wide adaptability range, late budding, and concentrated growth period. It is often used for intercropping with food crops or vegetables. This can not only make full use of land and agricultural time, but also can obtain higher economic benefits. Strawberries are more shade-tolerant, and they are more pleasing to low temperatures. In the 8th to the 9th of the year they were planted, a large number of seedlings were reproduced, and the results were blossomed from March to June of the following year. Jujube trees are shaded with strawberries. Strawberry plants are short and their roots are shallow. They do not compete with jujube trees to compete for light, compete for water and compete for water. Their mutual influence is small. The sum of output and output value of the two is greater than that of a single plant, which improves the utilization of land and light energy and improves economic efficiency.

Soil preparation and fertilization: After the soil is defrosted in the spring, soil preparation is performed between the rows of jujube trees, and 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms of high-quality rotting fertilizer is applied per acre. The floor depth is 25 to 30 cm, and it is 2 to 2.5 meters wide.

Seedling selection: select good varieties, seedlings should be selected pure, healthy virus-free seedlings, generations of seedlings or second-generation seedlings as breeding mothers.

Seedling planting: In the middle and late April and the end of May, the spacing is 60-80 cm, and the spacing is 50-80 cm. The depth of planting is deep and the roots are not buried.

Management after planting: Immediately after planting, pour one permeable water, and then water it once every 2-3 days. After cultivating, timely cultivating and weeding, watering once every 30 days, and watering every 15-20 days after early August. Once, ensure that the ground is moist and promote seedling rooting and bolting to sprout seedlings. At the same time, the buds were removed in time, old leaves were removed, and the stems of the mother plants were evenly distributed.

Pest control: Strawberry seedling diseases mainly include anthrax, which can be controlled with 1500 times liquid or 25% prochloraz from 1000 to 1500 times of the powder; gray mold and powdery mildew can be sprayed with 50% more bacteria Ling WP 800 to 1000 times, spray 7 to 10 days, continuous spray 2 to 3 times, alternating medication. Insect pests include Spodoptera litura, spider mites, aphids, and so on. They use "Suppressa" 2,000 times or 1% of matrine 800 to 1000 times or 50% of Avastin WP 1500 to 2000 times or 40% of Oxidation. Dimethoate emulsion 1000 to 1500 times, spray 1 or 2 times, alternating use.


1, strawberry seedlings in mid-August, after about 15-20 days watering once, and jujube trees do not need too much water in the latter part, so when the late strawberry seedlings watering, flooding should be avoided as much as possible, and to ensure that the wet The depth of soil is between 20-30 cm to ensure the normal development and quality of jujube fruit.

2. Interspecies of strawberry seedlings increase the humidity of the jujube garden. Therefore, the occurrence of jujube rust should be controlled. The method is to remove debris from the jujube garden and keep the tree ventilated and breathable, and find and spray the corresponding drugs as soon as possible.

Economic efficiency budget: 0.8-1.2 yuan per seedling, about 1,000 per acre planting, seedlings cost about 800-1200 yuan, and its management cost is about 200 yuan per acre, so the cost per mu planted strawberry seedlings is about 1000-1400 yuan. By the end of September of the same year, 30-40 seedlings can be germinated per seedling, of which at least 20 seedlings are seedlings, that is, 30000-40000 fertile strawberry seedlings per acre, and the number of seedlings per year. More than 20,000 were sold in the current year as winter greenhouses for off-season cultivation or sold in the south. The selling price was above 0.3 yuan, and all strawberry seedlings were sold for more than 6,000 yuan per mu. After leaving the seedlings through the winter, some seedlings can be sold as seedlings. Some of the seedlings will be solidified in the middle or late April of the following year. At this time, the jujube tree has just sprouted leaves, and it does not conflict with the growth of the strawberry seedlings. Mature at the beginning of May and is catching up with the “May 1st” holiday. At this time, the weather is pleasant and it is suitable for tourism in the countryside. Therefore, strawberries can be picked as tourism and sightseeing. The selling price of strawberries is about 10 yuan per kilogram, and the yield per mu is 750-1000 kilograms. The income is between 7500 and 10,000 yuan. After solidification, the strawberry seedlings can be further propagated as seedlings. With the exception of date income per mu, the annual income per mu of strawberry seedlings and strawberries can reach 12500-14600 yuan.

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