Can peppers be planted continuously?

Peppers should not be planted continuously. If continuous cropping, one can make some diseases worse, such as virus diseases, epidemics, etc., causing a large number of dead seedlings; Second, the composition of inorganic nutrients in the soil can change, often occurs calcium, magnesium, boron, aluminum, manganese, iron, etc. Lack of yellow leaf, floral leaf, leaf curl, falling flower, fruit drop, and low yield. Third, the content of soil organic matter is reduced, soil porosity is decreased, buffer capacity is reduced, root development is hindered, and yield and quality are affected.

The land that has been continuously used can be increased by applying organic fertilizers to enhance the soil buffering capacity; deep-deepening the soil; deep application of base fertilizers and top-dressing fertilizers; promotion of top-dressing fertilizers;

Food Flavorings

Food Flavorings ,Dry Golden Onion Powder,Organic Onion Powder,Black Garlic Powder

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