How to keep laying hens safe for winter

During the cold winter, how to make the laying hens maintain high yield in the winter, with fewer occurrences and death, has become a concern for chicken farmers. The author believes that the following points should be noted through practice:

Prevent cold waves from plugging wall gaps, repair damaged windows, and replace broken roof tiles. Carefully check whether heating equipment such as electric heating plates and coal stoves are intact and effective, and replace exhaust pipes and aging wires of coal stoves. Increase the density of chickens in a timely manner and increase the temperature of the chicken house. Effectively keep the chicken house warm and cold-proof, to prevent a significant drop in temperature resulting in decreased egg production and increased mortality.

Slow stress focuses on daily management, and the daily work schedules for opening and closing lights, feeding, drinking, quail eggs, dejecta, etc. are carried out on time; feed ingredients are kept stable, refueling is gradually carried out, and a transition period of 7 days to 10 days is established; Properly add electrolytic multidimensional, astragalus polysaccharides or other anti-stress drugs to drinking water or feed to reduce stress.

To adjust the nutrition to raise the level of energy, crude protein, vitamins, and minerals in the full-priced feed, and to enhance the nutrition of the chicken, vegetable oil, fat powder, high-quality soybean meal, and fish meal can be added.

Strong management focuses on the weather forecast. Several days before and after the onset of the cold wave, efforts are made to avoid shifting groups, cutting off radon, and immunization. At noon when the weather is fine, we must pay attention to window ventilation, accelerate air convection and reduce the incidence of respiratory epidemics; Reduce ammonia concentration.

Focusing on epidemic prevention, we will focus on the prevention of transmission, E. coli, mycoplasma, NDV, and bird flu. We will monitor the level of antibodies to Newcastle disease and bird flu on time, and timely and adequately vaccinate vaccines based on monitoring results and established immunization procedures to enhance the immunity of chickens. , build an effective immune barrier. Disinfect the chicken house and the surrounding environment on a regular basis, once in 3 days to 5 days, and use 2 kinds of -3 kinds of disinfectants alternately to improve the disinfection effect, reduce dust and dust, and cut off the route of pathogen transmission.