Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau held a lecture on the theme of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party

On the afternoon of June 22nd, on the eve of the 90th anniversary of the celebration of the party, Comrade Fan Xianyu, the party secretary of the bureau, gave a party class with the theme of "holding on faith and winning trust" in the party and cadres and workers of the bureau. The theme education lecture was presided over by Comrade Jiang Nan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. All the cadres of the bureau, leaders of the grassroots units, party branch secretaries, party members and workers, party activists and representatives of the united front participated in the lecture.
Fan Shuji explained from the positive and negative aspects that the Communists must strengthen their faith, adhere to their convictions, serve the people wholeheartedly, and re-recognize the party's purposes. He quoted the story of war during the War of Liberation and described how the Chinese Communist Party went from victory to victory. He described some negative examples in the current society and pointed out that only by facing and exposing them can they change and defeat them. He combined the advanced stories of Comrade Yang Shanzhou, the outstanding Communist Party member of the country, and the touching story of Comrade Zhang Zhengxiang, the "guardian of Dianchi Lake", pointing out that the belief of the Communist Party is always representing the interests of the people. Always fighting for the interests of the people is the promise that every Communist Party member should abide by. He emphasized that the people are the foundation of the party and the foundation of the country. We must practice the faith of a Communist Party member through our own words and deeds. Only in this way can we win the trust and love of the people. He pointed out that for the officials to learn from Comrade Yang Shanzhou's two-sleeve breeze, not for the fame and fortune of the high winds, the upright is to be a man, to be clear and free to do things; to do business to learn from Comrade Zhang Zhengxiang's dedication to environmental protection, and more to assume the social responsibility of environmental protection work, Starting from me, starting from small things, starting from the side, constantly promoting environmental protection and practicing environmental protection.
The theme education lecture is one of the "seven one" series of commemorative activities of the bureau system to meet the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party. In addition, the party committee also carried out a variety of activities such as essay contest, window display, party history knowledge contest, etc. System workers love the patriotism of the party.

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