The characteristics and prevention of bacterial black spot in walnut

The lesions on the affected leaves were brown to black, smaller, polygonal or near-circular, the lesions on the back were light brown, oily and shiny, and finally they were dark gray or gray. The fruits were mostly victims of the lower part and were water-stained. Harmful walnut leaves, twigs, flowers and fruit, resulting in dead branches and shoots, inflorescence and fruit black rot early, seriously affecting walnut growth and yield.

Control methods:

1. Strengthen water and fertilizer management, increase tree vigor, and increase resistance;

2, Qingyuan, before the walnut sprouts, after the exhibition leaves and fruit set (mis-flowering) were sprayed 5,0.5,0.3 Baume degrees of lime sulfur;

Portable Sprinkler irrigation system

Portable Sprinkler Irrigation System mainly used for Farmland irrigation, fruit and grass irrigation,Sugarcane sprinkler irrigation, power plants precipitation, factory and port dust removal.

Portable Sprinkler irrigation system available with multiple nozzles, allowing watering and misting options, irrigation booms are adaptable to any crop. Depending on the boom selected, multiple zones can be irrigated with one boom, allowing the grower to effectively grow multiple crops in one house. All booms can be controlled independently or through computerized controls.

Portable Sprinkler Irrigation System,Portable Drip Irrigation,Portable Irrigation System,Portable Sprinkler Irrigation