Transcranial magnetic stimulation improves symptoms of insomnia in drug abusers

Transcranial magnetic stimulation improves symptoms of insomnia in drug abusers

September 18, 2018 Source: Chongqing Evening News

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The reporter learned from the School of Social Sciences of Nanjing University that a new study led by scholars in the hospital showed that the application of non-invasive brain stimulation technology to addicted patients in the early stage of withdrawal can effectively improve the symptoms of pain, anxiety and insomnia during detoxification.

The research results have been published in the international top mental health journal JAMA Psychiatry (American Journal of Medicine - Psychiatry), an important advance in the interdisciplinary research of social work and brain science, and also applied to the field of justice in brain science and technology. A new path is provided.

In this study, the team led by Professor Liang Ying, a young Yangtze River scholar, and Professor Yuan Yufei, affiliated to the Mental Health Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, used a randomized controlled design to conduct a 10-day period for drug addicts who withdrew for 2-15 days. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the anterior frontal cortex of the left cerebral ventricle was used to treat multiple withdrawal symptoms, sleep, anxiety and depression.

The study found that patients who received transcranial magnetic stimulation had a rapid decline in withdrawal symptoms, decreased relapse desire, improved sleep quality, and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. Therefore, transcranial magnetic stimulation, as a clinically safe and effective brain stimulation method, is expected to assist the advancement of scientific drug rehabilitation work in reducing the craving and alleviating the pain of withdrawal. It has positive significance for reducing the relapse rate and crime rate of drug users. .

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