Postpartum delirium is an acute severe neurological disorder that occurs suddenly after maternity. It is characterized by pharynx, tongue, intestinal paralysis, loss of consciousness, and quadriplegia. The disease is common in high-yielding dairy cows. Cow calves usually occur 12 to 72 hours after delivery, and a few can also occur in more than 4 days. Typical symptoms: within 3 days after delivery, the sick animals showed blunt mentality, loss of appetite or wasted, rumination, rumen activity, urination, defecation stopped. Eye gaze, gait swing, standing instability, alternating hind legs, muscle tremors. The nose was dry and the skin temperature became lower, and the body temperature dropped to 35°C to 36°C, followed by a hernia. When lying down, the limbs were set under the torso and the head stretched forward. Soon the limbs stretched and the head bent to one side. The sick animals were lethargic, the pupils were magnified, the eyelid reflexes were dull or disappeared, the breathing was deep and slow, and the pulse was weak. Treatment methods: 1. Breast ventilation method: The device used to blow the air is a breast blower (or a continuous syringe). Disinfect the gauze or cotton in the metal filter cartridge before air supply to filter the air to prevent infection. Before entering the air, the cow was allowed to lie down, milk in the breast was squeezed, and the nipple was disinfected with alcohol. Air is injected into all four nipples. The number of air injections was based on the skin tension of the breast, the clear and thick edge of the base of the breast, and the tapping of the breast to generate a whistling tone as a standard. After entering the air to prevent the air from overflowing, use a finger to gently prick the papillary muscles and place a piece of gauze and remove it after one hour. Generally 15 to 30 minutes after getting into the air can be improved. If the condition is still not improved, it can be repeated 3 hours later. 2. Breast milk injection method: Inject fresh healthy milk in the breast, the dosage is about 6,000 to 20,000 milliliters, generally restore health after 3 hours. 3. Western medical treatment: Intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate injection 500ml, the efficacy of up to 80%, can be reused, the speed is slow, to prevent the subcutaneous injection. Severe illness can be subcutaneously injected 20% stupine sodium caffeine 10 to 20 ml, once volume. In order to prevent the occurrence of ketosis, 40% glucose solution can be injected at the same time and intravenously.