What are the benefits of eating leeks?

The benefits of eating leeks, many people for the use of leeks produced with a stuffed surface appetite can not stop, whether it is leeks stuffed dumplings, leeks stuffed dumplings are very popular food. So, what good is it that we eat leeks?

Amaranth is a vegetable that is sold all year round, but the quality of the amaranth in the early spring season is the best. In the late autumn season, the summer amaranth is the worst, so there is a “spring food is delicious, summer food is smelly”. The saying. "Herbal Supplements" has such a record: "In the dishes, this material is the most warm and beneficial, it should eat it regularly."

Here are a few of the health benefits of talking about meat dishes.

Traditional medicine believes that leeks are warm, can warm the kidneys and help the Yang, benefit the spleen and stomach, and qi and blood. Eat more leeks, can raise liver, enhance the spleen and stomach. The sulfur compounds in leeks have the effect of reducing blood fat and expanding blood vessels, and are suitable for treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypertension.

Volatile oils and sulphides contained in leeks are effective in reducing blood fat and preventing arteriosclerosis. The leek's cellulose content is also very rich. Each kilogram of leek contains 1.5 grams of cellulose, which is much higher than green onions and celery. It not only promotes intestinal peristalsis, but also can effectively prevent habitual constipation and large intestine. Cancer, so people often call it "herb grass."

Constipation patients can use fresh 200-300 grams of leeks, cut into small pieces after cleaning, spare, add some cooking oil after the pan heat, eggs 1-2, or use pork lean meat can also be replaced, and finally put the leeks fry, Can change the color of leeks (must not stir for a long time) once a day when the food to eat, you can ease constipation

Generally speaking, the constipation situation can be improved or healed in about one week, and the food can be eaten intermittently every week. Constipation illness will not be repeated.

Can be called "Viagra" in vegetables

Leek has a high nutritional value, it is warm and sweet, it is a kind of mild yang food, has the effect of warming the stomach, warming the kidney and promoting yang, scattered stoma and blood circulation, is very suitable for autumn and winter often backache, hand, foot and hair Cold people eat.

It is particularly suggested that leeks are also known as “rising yangcao” and can be called “Viagra” in vegetables.

Although leeks are good, they are not for everyone.

Patients with fever such as bad breath, tongue sores, throat sore throat, and patients with symptoms of yin and anger such as fever of the hands and feet, night sweats, etc., should all pay attention to the leeks.

Leek has a certain degree of excitement for the female uterus. Therefore, mothers are advised to eat less leeks to prevent fetal movement.

Some people will feel heartburn after eating leeks. At this time, drinking some hot water will effectively relieve the discomfort.

To deal with colds, typhoid fever

Leek leaves, seeds, roots can be used as medicine, can be used to treat impotence, nocturnal emission, waist and knee pain, abdominal cold pain, stomach Deficiency, nausea and other symptoms.

In addition, in autumn and winter with high incidence of cold and typhoid, eating more leek can also inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dysentery, typhoid fever, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Leek food therapy:

1. Kidney yang is weak, waist and knees are sour, urinary frequency, impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, turbid spermatorrhea, increased vaginal discharge, dysmenorrhea, urinary excretion, spleen and stomach deficiency, abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Or constipation soup porridge: fresh leeks, rice amount. Leek washed and brewed into thin sections, spare. Wash the glutinous rice clean, put in the pot, add water, first use Wuhuo to boil, and then simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, add people leeks to rice rotten for the degree. For breakfast, dinner or snacks, boil and eat now, it should not be overnight.

2. Kidney yang weakness, impotence, premature ejaculation, Yaoxisuanruan or frail, constipation of walnut meat fried leeks: leek 200 grams, 50 grams of walnut meat, vegetable oil, salt amount. Wash the leeks and cut them for use. Wash the walnut meat with sesame oil and fry the yellow, then add the leeks and stir fry, add appropriate amount of salt, and stop cooking after frying. When the food is eaten.

3. Loss of body fluids, stomach irritations caused by the ingestion of vomiting, chest pain, dry mouth, throat dry, hard stool and other three juice and stomach drink: amaranth juice 2 cups, 1 cup of ginger juice, 1 cup of milk. Add ginger, milk, and simmer to boil in leeks. The temperature slowly swallowed.

4. Stomach septum, thoracic gingiva, gingivitis, leaves open blisters, smashed juice, 3 times a day, each 100 ml.

5. Hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, hysterectomy, and root rinsing of leeks with roots, placing bamboo tube inside and sitting in the heat, 2 times a day, gradually contracting until the end.

6. Blood clot leek 5 two, cooked glutinous rice wine service.

7. Chronic constipation Astragalus root lotus juice 1 cup, warm water with a little wine blunt.

8. nose bleeding leek wolfberry juice 1 cup, summer cold clothes, winter warm clothes; Yin blood heat caused by nasal discharge, with fresh leek root washed after blocking the nostrils.

9. Reckless vegetables dried, research fine, lard reconcile the affected area; psoriasis can be used raw oysters, garlic, 30 grams each, smashed mud, heat the affected area after rubbing the affected area, 1 day, for several days.

10. Allergic dermatitis leeks juice coating, several times a day.

11. Sweat spot leek juice, wipe the affected area twice a day in the morning. Use 4 to 5 days.

12. Yangshuo making leek seed powder, 10 grams each morning and evening, boiled water delivery service.

13. Leucorrhea vinegar cooking leek seed dried into powder, refining honey into pills. The empty stomach is delivered with wine, each time 30 pills (Pills such as Indus large).

14. Red peony roots, heartache leeks, a handful of juice, and wine l 盅, name day 韭 韭 juice wine. Warm clothes.

15. Night sweats, spontaneous sweating, rooting in appropriate amount, 2 times a day.

16. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting leek juice 50 ml, 10 ml ginger juice, sugar amount, withered.

Although leeks have many benefits to the human body, some people with poor stomach will have diarrhea after eating, so when eating leeks, you need to keep your eyes open.