The ankle joint is the joint with the highest incidence of sports injuries. Ankle sprain commonly known as lameness, often appear local swelling, pain, walking claudication and other symptoms. Near the ankle joint, there is a point guarding it, named Xixi. It is an important acupuncture point on the stomach and the stomach of the human foot and stomach. The spleen and stomach is strong and the blood is full and the limbs are healthy. After lameness, the points can be kneaded or moxibustion, can promote blood circulation, reduce swelling, relieve pain, tonic joints, Shujinhuoluo.
The Xixi point is located at the central depression of the transverse stripes at the junction of the calf and the dorsal foot. When the acupoint is sitting, the foot is laid flat, and the flexion is performed. In the depression between the long extensor digitorum tendon and the long extensor tendon, the press is applied. The place with soreness is Xixi. â–²(禤影å¦)
Viral Transportation Medium Tube
Uses: used for the detection and sampling of influenza, hand, mouth, foot and other epidemic diseases
Inspection principle:
The combination of multiple antibiotics has broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal effects;
As a protein stabilizer, bovine serum albumin can increase the survival time and infection stability of the virus;
Buffers such as Hank's build a neutral environment, which helps to increase the survival time and infection stability of the virus;
Phenol red is an acid-base indicator, the discoloration area is 6.6 (yellow)~8.0 (red), and it is red at 7.2~7.4.
1. According to the sampling requirements, use a sampling swab to collect samples.
2. Place the swab after collecting the sample into a sterile sampling tube.
3. Break the sampling swab rod that is higher than the sterile sampling tube.
4. Tighten the cap of the sterile sampling tube.
5. Label the sterile sampling tube with information as required.
For sample collection, transportation and storage.
Product advantages:
1. The virus discretion of the flocking swab is high to ensure the accuracy of the test results.
2. The samples are well sealed to ensure product transportation and safe storage.
3. Product instruction manual, product certificate
Product Details:
1. The product set includes a one-time Virus Sampling Tube (including preservation solution), a self-sealing bag, a sampling swab, and instructions.
2. Product specification: 100 sets/box, 8 boxes/box 3. Product weight: 0. 65kg/box, 13. 2kg/box
4. Packing size: 25. 5*23. 5*14. 5 boxes, 53*49*32/carton
Scope of application:
Work resumption testing, the best choice for large-scale population screening
1. Transport at room temperature, stably preserve viral RNA
2. Pre-packaged guanidine salt lysate can inactivate the new coronavirus, ensuring the safety of transportation and testing personnel 3. The large-capacity preservation solution can fully soak the swab head,
The sample size can be divided into three parts for testing and reserve samples respectively to meet the testing needs.
Scope of application:
Suspected cases, disease control testing, preferred by P3 laboratory
Viral Transportation Medium Tube,Sample Collection Tubes,Transport Nasal Swab With Tube,Virus Sampling Tube Nasopharyngeal Swab
Jilin Sinoscience Technology Co. LTD ,