Human evolution leads to microbial extinction

Human evolution leads to microbial extinction

June 23, 2016 Source: Human evolution leads to microbial extinction

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This bleak message comes from an in-depth analysis of how human history affects Earth's microbes, especially those living in humans. “The diversity of gut flora is declining as civilization progresses,” said Michael Gillings of Macquarie University in Australia, at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Boston.

Gillings said that cultural practices, including agriculture, diet, sanitation, and widespread use of antibiotics, are responsible for the reduction of microbial diversity in the gut of people living in rich countries. He argues that the loss of this diversity began when humans learned to use fire 350,000 years ago.

Through cooking, humans release more calories from food, thereby evolving a larger brain and a smaller digestive system. “If you have a smaller intestine, this means that the space left for the microbiota will also be smaller,” says Gillings.

About 10,000 years ago, when humans invented agriculture, bacterial diversity could decline further. In the process of turning to farming, humans began to eat a narrow range of foods, which affected the flora in the body.

So many bacterial populations that have evolved with humans have suddenly disappeared and are suspected of playing a role in a range of health problems such as obesity, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and even mental illness. "The microbiota seems to have an effect on brain activity, and anxiety and depression are associated with irritable bowel syndrome," Gillings said.

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