Russian and Swiss scientists jointly develop new methods for treatment

Russian and Swiss scientists jointly develop new methods for treatment

December 22, 2016 Source: Kexun

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Scientists in Russia and Switzerland have recently used the microchip to electrically stimulate the spinal cord to restore the mobility of paralyzed patients.
Damage to the spinal cord can cause some or all of the paralysis of the limbs. Scientists try to treat the injury in different ways, but most researchers focus on the direction of stem cell introduction to restore the damaged spinal nerve, with the help of electronic devices. The method has only been followed by a small number of researchers.
The Russian research team has found through experiments that even in the most severe cases of spinal cord injury, electrical stimulation and specially tailored “exoskeleton” will be able to restore the patient's ability to act. To this end, the researchers developed a special chip that tracks the motion commands emitted by the cerebral cortex and interprets this signal as a command that the spinal nerves can receive, thereby transmitting the correct motion information through the nerves to the muscle tissue.
Experiments have shown that after installing the electronic device on a macaque that causes paralysis of the lower extremity due to spinal cord injury, the macaque immediately resumes the ability to move independently while the device is activated. The advantage of this technology is that its information transmission is wireless. The signals from the brain are transmitted wirelessly to the microcomputer, and then processed and wirelessly transmitted to the spinal cord to restore the mobility of disabled patients.

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