Why pregnant women backache back pain

Pregnant women are a special amount. Compared with normal people, their physical resistance is poor, and their bodies still have babies. Therefore, many things need special attention. Many pregnant women suffer from low back pain during pregnancy, causing many people a psychological panic. So what is the cause of back pain in pregnant women? Let's look at it together.


The backache during pregnancy is due to the gradual growth of the baby's fertilized egg. The mother's uterus is stimulated, and sometimes false contractions occur. This is the back pain caused by pregnancy stimulation. Mild abdominal pain may be related to the pregnancy response. There are no other serious conditions. Moms do not need to worry too much. Pay more attention to rest.

Early pregnancy expectant Mommy back pain will not be very serious, relatively minor pain, mostly back pain. At this time, expectant Mommy back pain is often caused by the uterus back, oppression of the rectum and ligaments caused by the prospective Mommy do not have to be nervous. When prospective Mommy suffers from back pain, she must carefully observe it carefully and deal with it in a timely manner. It cannot cause big mistakes due to minor negligence.

Midwinter and third trimester of expectant Mommy low back pain, mostly because of the rapid pain of the fetus to gradually increase the uterus, the abdomen is moving forward, in order to maintain the balance of the body, resulting in excessive fatigue on the waist, back, it is easy to back pain, In general, expectant Mommy's low back pain can be relieved after rest.

In fact, backache in the early stages of pregnancy is mostly a normal pregnancy reaction.

1, normal pregnancy response

If there is only lumbar acid in the early stages of pregnancy, there is no symptom of vaginal bleeding. This is due to implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium. As the fertilized egg gradually grows after being implanted, the uterus is stimulated, and contractions sometimes occur. At this time, the hormone level also changes, so this is the lumbar pain caused by pregnancy stimulation. It may also be accompanied by slight abdominal pain, which is a normal pregnancy reaction and there is no need to worry about it.

2, pregnant women body posture change

In early pregnancy, due to the influence of hormones, the ligaments of the joints relax, the uterus enlarges, and the pelvic tissues and nerves are compressed. As the abdomen enlarges, the body's center of gravity gradually moves forward, forcing the pregnant women to move back shoulders accordingly to keep the body in balance. The neck is slightly flexed to make up for and maintain the head straight. As a result, the normal degree of flexion of the spine increases, leading to lordosis of the spine, which causes local muscles to pull, and symptoms of low back pain occur in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, the nearer the full-term, the pregnant women are more prone to cervical, back and lower back pain.

3, pregnant women physical reasons or tired

Many pregnant women are prone to tiredness and lethargy in the early stages of pregnancy. If the pregnant woman's physique is not good enough, it may cause back pain. Some pregnant women are pregnant but still insist on continuing to work in their positions. Excessive fatigue, prolonged standing, sedentary, stooping, stance and poor posture can all cause back pain.

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