1 Infectious diseases and pests. Faeces contain coliforms, nematodes, and other pathogens and pests. Direct use results in the spread of diseases and pests, and the incidence of crops. It also affects the human health of edible agricultural products. When unfermented organic substances are fermented in soil, they can easily grow pathogens and insect pests. Occurrence of plant diseases and pests.
2 fermented seedlings. After unfermented raw manure is applied to the ground, raw manure begins to ferment when the fermentation conditions are met. If the fermentation site is closer to the root and the crop plants are smaller, the heat generated by the fermentation will affect the growth of the crop, resulting in serious plant death. .
3 poison gas hazards. In the process of decomposition, harmful gases such as methane and ammonia are produced, which can cause acid damage and root damage to the soil and crops.
4 Loss of nutrients. In the traditional process of stacking chicken manure, due to natural decomposition, wind and rain, etc., the loss of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is very serious, and the general utilization rate is only 50%.
5 Slow fertilizer effect. The nutrients in unfermented and decomposed organic fertilizers are mostly organic or slow-acting, and cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by crops. They can only be decomposed and converted into quick-effect states before they can be absorbed and utilized by crops. Therefore, direct application without fermentation slowed down the effect of the fertilizer.
6 Environmental pollution. Farms use direct application methods to excrete feces, feces can be disposed of at the peak of fertilization of crops; in the off-season fertilization, no one cares about the feces and has to rely on accumulation, wind and rain, loss of fertilizer efficiency, and pollute the environment.
7 Inconvenience and inefficiency. Untreated feces are not easily transportable, bulky, have low active ingredients, and have high use costs. The organic matter is converted into humus for a long time and the nutrient loss is serious.
In response to the above problems, Huaxia Kangyuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. has developed special fermentation reagents for Jinbao fertilizers. The use of such a starter to treat chicken manure, pig manure and other livestock and poultry manure, can achieve the protection of the environment, prevent disease transmission, prevent the loss of nutrients and other effects, completely solve the various hazards of stacking chicken manure, the effect is very good.
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