Beef cattle fattening

First, limit sports. Limiting beef cattle campaigns is a key issue for beef cattle fattening quickly. For fattening beef cattle should be implemented one by one, not to be too long to prevent the increase of the range of activities, increase the amount of exercise, physical exertion, and collide with each other, generally a cow is suitable for an area of ​​about 5 square meters. Second, science breeding. Forages and feeds are based on the principle of low price, diversity, easy digestion, complete nutrition, and good palatability. The crushed fine material and the crushed forage material should be mixed with wet feed, and the moldy feed should not be fed or the waste water should not be contaminated. When changing the forage, it should be changed from little to large and gradually replaced. Third, do not castrate. Fattening bulls are likely to cause a large amount of fat deposits after castration, resulting in a corresponding reduction in lean meat percentage, and now some countries that import beef cattle tend to have a high lean ratio. And after castration, the cow has painful wounds. Restoration requires nutrient consumption, increases costs, and affects fattening rates. Therefore, as an export beef cattle should not be castrated. Fourth, early deworming. In order to ensure the healthy growth of fattened cattle, a uniform and thorough deworming should be performed on the fattening cattle 3 to 5 days before starting fattening. Deworming drugs can be used for veterinary use trichlorfon, insect-resistant spirit, such as thiophanate imidazole. Fifth, grasp the pass. Under adequate feed conditions, the growth rate of beef cattle is the fastest before 12 months of age, and gradually slows down afterwards, especially at a sexual maturity. For this reason, the slaughter age of beef cattle should be suitable for 1.5-2 years old, and no later than 2.5 years old, which can reduce the cost of feeding.

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