Tomato cracker

Tomato cracking stems, also known as tomato "skylight" stems, mostly occurred 20-30 days after planting in the vicinity of the third spike. The main cause of the disease is the survival of tomatoes after colonization, due to high temperature, excessive water control, excessive nitrogen fertilizer inhibits the absorption of calcium and boron, resulting in damage to young growth points or stem injury.

Control measures: rational use of fertilizer, combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. Special care must be taken to avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizers. Pay attention to the application of calcium and boron trace elements. It was found that the soil should be watered in time, but avoid flooding. When using greenhouses for tomato cultivation, it is best to use old plastic films for shading and cooling of the covers. Do not use black shade nets. When a split stem occurs, the lateral branch can be used instead of the main branch.

Laser Distance Meter 60M

Digital 60m short range laser rangefinder is a laser measurement device which is supposed to replace tape measure, ruler, and other traditional length meauring tool. Laser ruler as its name, it is a electronic ruler which user laser to measure distance.
Our laser measurer has Multiply fuctions:
1. Height measure & Length measure &Distance measure
2. Area Measure
3. Volume Measure
4. Pythagorean Measure

60M Laser Measure,60M Laser Distance Measure,Laser Distance Measure Oem,60M Digitial Laser Distance Measure

Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd ,